Prenatal care:

Whether you’re delivering at a hospital or at home, we offer individualized prenatal care throughout your pregnancy.  During each appointment we provide evidence-based information, discuss risks factors during pregnancy and offer education to promote wellness.


What does prenatal care look like?

  • An Initial Office Visit lasting 1-2 hours, all other appointments will be 30 minutes to 1 hour

  • Monthly appointments through 28 weeks

  • Bi-weekly appointments from 28-36 weeks

  • Weekly appointments from 36 weeks until delivery

  • Monitor health and well being of mother

  • Monitor growth, heart rate of baby and well being of the baby

  • Discuss optimal nutrition for you and your lifestyle

  • Education on how you can prepare for the birth and beyond

  • Perform standard lab tests that include :

    • Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    • Blood type and Rh factor

    • RPR screening (blood test for syphilis)

    • Rubella antibody titre

    • Urinalysis

    • Genetic screening

    • HIV and STI screenings

    • Gestational Diabetes screening (26-28 weeks)

    • Group B streptococcus culture (near term)

    • Ultrasounds are available by referral throughout the pregnancy